ACROSS A HUNDRED MUDDY HOLLERS: Hurricane Helene for The Progressive Magazine
ORIGINS: Climate Change, Resistance and Solutions in Princeville, North Carolina, America’s Oldest Black Town. Supported by the Pulitzer Center x Solutions Journalism Network (Ongoing)
TIDE AND TIME: Sea Level Rise and Solastalgia on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Supported by the Pulitzer Center (Ongoing)
The Washington Post: Sea level rise at the Battleship North Carolina.
The Commons: UNC Gaza Solidarity Encampment
BOM DIA, BRASIL! (Ongoing)
Purple New Deal: Wisteria Hysteria Climate Fiction (ongoing)
Higher Education Portraits in Durham, North Carolina.
The National Audubon Society: Plastic pollution in Charleston, S.C.
MADE IN DURHAM: Exploring homicide, incarceration and urban renewal in Durham, N.C. across a decade.
This Land is Your Land: American tourism landscapes. (Ongoing)